
Basic tips for taking good care of your bonsai

If you've decided to have a bonsai should know that these plants require special care and especially of time and dedication.

In this aparatado give you some basic tips for caring for your Bonsai.

1. - You should be aware that it is much more beneficial to the Bonsai you can spend a few minutes every day because this way you can check the soil moisture and you can detect any abnormalities.

Read more: Basic tips for taking good care of your bonsai

Origin of bonsai

No one knows exactly when did the bonsai is said that began more than a billion years as a result of Taoism, philosophical and religious tradition that has more than two millennia to exert its influence on the peoples of the Far East. Followers of this philosophy believed that the phenomena of nature were loaded with power and tiny specimens possessed it in concentrated form. They also thought that represented the mature bodies of souls wandering the world of spirits. All these beliefs were arising art of bonsai.

Read more: Origin of bonsai

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