
Origin of bonsai

No one knows exactly when did the bonsai is said that began more than a billion years as a result of Taoism, philosophical and religious tradition that has more than two millennia to exert its influence on the peoples of the Far East. Followers of this philosophy believed that the phenomena of nature were loaded with power and tiny specimens possessed it in concentrated form. They also thought that represented the mature bodies of souls wandering the world of spirits. All these beliefs were arising art of bonsai.


Bonsai literally means tray bon = + sai = nature (small tree) and although there is a wide range of varieties of bonsai many of them can reach fifteen meters.

The art of bonsai is a world in it are different styles, techniques, maintenance, care, tools and a host of features.

Bonsai require special care and dedication unlike normal plants as bonsai have a special calendar for every season of the year and for each of the different types that exist and the same goes for the culture and even the irrigation not all by the fact bonsai bonsai need be the same in terms of care.



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